“You can have more energy and vitality, lose weight, and be more productive and happy in your life.”
You will have plenty of delicious meal and food ideas that leave your appetite satisfied and your body full of energy, and you’ll have the time to prepare them!
You’ll make long term lifestyle changes for your body and your mind to get the results you want.
You will take control of your lifestyle habits, gain more energy, feel better about yourself and maintain a healthier weight.
You will be more productive in both your personal and professional life, have more clarity, better work-life balance and improved relationships.
If these questions made you think about your habits and how they influence your results, then working with a health coach may really benefit you in making long term changes.
If you answered yes to these questions, then the support of a health coach may be just what you need to see through the positive changes and create new habits.
A health coach can help you to make long term and permanent changes in health and lifestyle habits, to have more energy, improve mental wellbeing, lose weight, have better skin health, reduce the chance of getting lifestyle diseases, make changes to lessen inflammation and symptoms of disease, and show you how to prepare healthier (and yummy!) food.
Hypnotherapy is when a person is guided into a deep state of relaxation and uses a heightened state of concentration to achieve an increase of consciousness, awareness, and mindfulness. It allows you to be more open to suggestions for making healthful changes in your habits and behaviours, as well as your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. It's a non-invasive therapy that often works well alongside other methods.
We offer bespoke Workplace Wellbeing solutions with workshops, group coaching and team challenges that improve the wellbeing of the individual and the organisation simultaneously. By changing the mindset and habits of individuals, we can increase efficiency and productivity, improve job satisfaction, and increase staff retention, to create a happier and thriving workplace.
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one of our services
Talk to me about your problem and see if we’re the right fit
Get a structure and understanding of your session appointments
Stop allowing unhealthy eating and draining lifestyle habits
weigh you down and keep controlling your life.
After the first session I was choosing better and healthier options, eating healthier snacks, and it was easy.
My emotional triggers were still there but I didn’t eat any chocolate or chips, and I did some steps instead to deal with the stress.
I felt sick when I saw my partner eating junk food.
- Misha (Paralegal)
I’m eating much slower and feeling fuller quicker now, so I’ve stopped overeating and eating until I feel stuffed like I used to, and I have no urge to go through the drive though and get that unhealthy takeaway food that I don’t need.
How I see food now has changed, I can leave food there without having to eat it and I’m fine with smaller portions.
- Fiona (Sales Rep)
I’ve lost 4.8kg, and i’m finding it easier to make better choices, I’m cooking healthier food and I’m much more motivated to stick with it and to exercise consistently too.
The food and recipe ideas were helpful and yummy!
My PCOS has improved too, I don't feel as tired, and my skin has cleared up!
- Paula (Stay at home Mum)
Unlock instant access to Tanya’s, powerful, ‘Quit Smoking For Good’ Meditation.
Discover how to get unshakable self-confidence and success by reprogramming your limiting beliefs.
Unlock access to Tanya’s powerful hypnotherapy tracks.
Discover how to reprogram your beliefs and habits, to get the results that you desire.
This book is a delicious guide to a healthy kitchen!
This book is a delicious guide to a healthy kitchen!
More Information
Content on The Good Health Coach Website should not be relied on as health or personal advice, always seek the guidance of your licensed medical practitioner.